Sunday 27 October 2013

Artist - Grayson Perry

I've been looking at Perry's work quite a lot this project, but this week I was rather excited as I knew that his most recent set of tapestries were coming to Manchester Art Gallery. They were quite incredible in real life, their scale overwhelming you alongside with the crazy clashing colours. They are the sort of pieces you can stand and stare at all day, and after watching his tv series about creating them it was quite interesting to ponder the concept of class that took over every piece. 

It is the perfect inspiration for this project as every little tiny object means something; it is yet again an artwork that is interesting on a visual level but also has so much hidden meaning. One of the most important things I have taken from seeing his work is that I shouldn't be afraid of colour - I usually like watercolours in subdued shades, but I think this is the perfect project to leave my comfort zone and do something bold.

I also liked having a look at his Walthamstow tapestry, as I like the way his drawings are very 2D, as in they appear very flat. There is no extra shaping or contours and I particularly like this style.

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